...yep, it happens to us all I think. I seem to have lost my creativity. I just can't come up with anything I like the past few days. I did make a few cards on Sunday, which I wasn't crazy about, but thought I'd post them anyway. They were both for
Beate's Weekend Sketch Challenge.

I have to go to work, so I'll most the details later. After today I'm off until Monday (thank you to the state of Hawaii where we have more holidays than I thought possible....tomorrow is Kamehameha Day so no work!!). I'm determined to find my lost creativity before my super long weekend is over!! I'll probably have lots of posts (at least I hope so) the next several days.
I was stuck in a rut and you inspired me to stamp when you had your SOA Challenges! I was so happy you inspired me to stamp. I hope something inspires you to stamp like you did for me! Have a great day off! Happy Stamping! Enjoli!
I hear ya, with the Mojo. Maybe the planets aren't aligning or something.... Anyway - we're all too hard on ourselves... I think your work is awesome... and I've nominated you for an award... :) details are here:
Nicole :)
HI Jen...I was just reading your post on VENTING..lol I am from Oklahoma...and I can only imagine what a shock it was for you to move and to be paying the cost of living there. You are right living in Oklahoma probably is one of the less expensive places to live...BUT...we do not have ALL the BEAUTIFUL things to enjoy that you do! I always find it strange...where ever we are we would rather be some place else...lol Take me...I'd rather be in Hawaii where you are..lol...If I were you...I'd stay there! Your son seems to really LOVE all the pretties....he is just ADOREABLE!! I love coming to visit your site everyday....Have a GREAT DAY!
Patricia H2ogardenlady
Well, I think that the cards are fantastic and it doesn't look to me like you lost anything! :D :D :D
It looks like you've got your mojo to me! These cards are adorable!!!
Also - I got the book you sent yesterday! Thank you so much!!!!! I'll make it my next read and let you know my thoughts - it will be like our very own little book club!!
You're too kind!!!!
Take care!
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