the Taplers (Jen, Dean, Joel):

Dean and friend Haley waiting not-so-patiently for me to light the birthday candles:
Dean and friends enjoying the pool:

Anyway, I don't normally share personal stuff here (you can bore yourselves with my personal life on our family Blog - the Tapler Ohana anytime!!) but I wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive and I have been working on a few projects - just haven't had time to post! But I thought I'm jump on tonight and post a few quick pics of some holiday gift ideas and share a few things.

First the sharing...Have you been to the Verve store lately?? Looks like they're having an AWESOME sale this month with even some of the latest releases marked down as much as 20%!! WOW!!!
Also, Papercraft Planet is in the middle of their 12 Days of Christmas promo...Each day you have a chance to win some FABULOUS prizes from our sponsors!! I'll be hosting this friday with a chance for you to win some yummy Verve goodies (don't worry, I'll remind you Friday). But head on over to the Planet and check it out!
And finally, there's still a few days left to get in on Verve's Project Parade for yet another chance to win some Verve Goodness!!! (seriously...have you ever met anyone as generous as Julee!?!? I mean sometimes I think it's easier to keep track of when she's NOT giving something away!!!).
And speaking of the Project Parade....here's my little project while I complete my time as a Guest Diva. The challenge is to make Anything But a Card and I chose to make this little gift pack of Christmas Ornaments using the new Ornamental Christmas set (which is currently on SALE!!!). The project is pretty self explanatory (and it's midnight here), but you can read all the details in my post over on the Verve Blog, which includes instructions and a link to the original Project Parade post if you'd like to participate! (you have until noon Friday, Dec 5 - so hurry!!!).