Well, it's that time again already - first Saturday of the month and time for another fabulous Sketch For You to Try!! I hope you all had a chance to play along with us last month - Lots of exciting things in store for participants of the monthly SFYTT this year, including a chance to win another fabulous huge prize package at the end of the year!! All of the details can be found on today's post over on Jen's blog, with some of the details outlined in the "In a Nutshell" graphic at the end of this post. We have another amazing sponsor this month - The Craft's Meow!
First, how about a look at this month's sketch:

For my sample card, I decided to work with the Baggin' Some Rays set from The Craft's Meow and once again pulled out my Sidewalks October Afternoon pad for the papers. Love those fun cheerful colors!

Now, I have to tell you all the (now) funny story about the process of making this card. As usual, I waited until the almost-last-minute to get my card done. This week, that meant Thursday evening because I knew I wouldn't have any time at all to stamp on Friday between volunteering at Dean's school and helping my Mom with some things after school and then babysitting for a friend in the evening. Well, it was just my luck that we had island-wide power outages most of the day and evening Thursday! So this card was created practically in the dark!! For reals. I made this card by the light of a dim Coleman camping lantern, which was SUPER annoying and not at all ideal stamping conditions!! My giant head kept getting in the way and blocking the light and I could barely see anything. It was terrible. But if I didn't get it done, it wasn't getting done in time for my deadline (yep, I am DEDICATED folks. It's the new me, what can I say?). Anyway, I have to say that despite some problems with proportion and placement, overall I'm happy with the results considering my working conditions!! One of these days I'll learn my lesson and start working ahead.
OK, so be sure to stop by the rest of the SFYTT Sisters' blogs to see what they've done with this month's sketch!
Jen del Muro
Amber Hight
Amy Sheffer
Becky Carafa
Carole Burrage
Iwona Palamountain (Chupa)
Jodi Collins
Kerry Johnson
Megan Lock
Susan Liles

love your take on the sketch!!!
Very nice, even if done in the dark. I've done that before. What else would you want to do when there is no power?
This is adorable, love that sunshine!
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