Monday, March 23, 2009

Blogoversary Challenge + BIG blog candy

ETA: Please note that I've extended the deadline for the Blog Candy giveaway to FRIDAY, APRIL 3 at 11:59 PM CENTRAL TIME to allow more people to participate in this worthwhile cause. Thank you for your patience and understanding!!! :-) You all amaze me!!!

Today is my 1-year Blogoversary and I wanted to celebrate with a challenge and some BIG blog candy, but in a way that would benefit a cause that is very near and dear to my heart. If you've been following my blog for the past year, you probably know that my otherwise healthy 58-year-old father is in the late stages of Alzheimer's Disease. This disease is so common and I know most of you have experienced or know someone close to you who has experienced it's devestating effects. It is truly heartbreaking.

I will be hosting my Stampin' Out Alzheimer's Virtual Crop and Challenge again in May to honor my father and as a teaser to that event, I thought I'd introduce this exciting challenge and offer up some pretty awesome Blog Candy to one lucky winner!! What can you win? Well here's a list (and I may be adding to this list as the week progresses if I receive more offers of donations from additional companies, so check back frequently to see if the list has grown, but this is a pretty darn good start):
What do you have to do to be eligible to win this fantastic Prize Package worth over $250? {said in my best Bob Barker voice} Simply create a new, never before posted card for any occassion (birthday, thank you, sympathy, get well, etc), take a picture of the card and post it to your blog, PCP or SCS (along with a link back here to the challenge info to help me spread the word), then come back here and use Mr. Linky to link us up to your creation (please link DIRECTLY to the blog post containing your card for this challenge, not just to your blog as a whole). Then, mail the card to me along with a blank envelope at the address at the end of this post. I will be using to select one winner from all of the entries. You are welcome to create and mail me more than one card for the challenge, however I ask that you only link ONCE - only 1 entry into the prize drawing per person please. (I will remove duplicate links).

So what am I going to do with all of those cards? Well, you see, the Alzheimer's Association doesn't really have a great need for cards. What they need is MONEY for research, education and support for caregivers. Rather than simply ask all of you out-right for donations, I've decided to collect your cards and put together a few (actually I hope SEVERAL) decorated card tins / boxes full of your unique hand-crafted cards. In early May, to kick off my Stampin' Out Alzheimer's event, I will be holding a charity auction (either through e-bay, etsy or another site - I'm still working on the details but I'll keep you posted) in which I will auction off these card sets to the highest bidder. The proceeds from those auctions will go directly from the auction site to the Alzheimer's Association. Pretty cool, huh?

So there you have it folks. Deadline to be included in the drawing for the blog candy is 6:59 PM hawaii time (11:59 PM central time) FRIDAY, April 3. Winner will be announced Saturday morning, April 4 right here on my blog.

Please send your finished cards along with a blank envelope no later than April 20, 2009 (so even if you've missed the deadline for the blog candy, you can still participate and make a difference for the Alzheimer's Association) to:

Jennifer Tapler
211 Molehulehu St.
Kahului, HI 96732

Please take a minute to visit the sponsor links. This wouldn't be possible without their help. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated a prize and to those of you who will be participating!


Unknown said...

I will definitely be participating in this challenge. My father was just diagnosed with Alzhiemer's 3 months ago. He is only 65.

Karen Giron said...

Wow Jennifer - this is an amazing idea. My card will be in the mail tomorrow.

Angie said...

Thisis wonderful. I participated in your last SOA event (remember the PO lost my box of goodies even though it was just coming from your island to Oahu?lol!)and I will definitely be participating this time. I love this idea to make cards to raise money! I live a little further away now, (in Italy) but I still want to participate! I will work on my cards as soon as I get home from voluteering today!

Justine said...

Great ideas lady, I have the day off so I know what I am working on today. I'll be back later to link......

Michelle said...

This is a wonderful, charitable effort, Jen. My beloved grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in August of one year and didn't make it to see the following August....terribly sad....; and for you with your father who is so young - awful. I'll be sending something your way for sure.

Sankari W. said...

Congrats on the Anniversary Jen!!! You totally rock!!! I am so glad to have gotten to know you through blogland and on the DT! I totally adore you and am sending you lots of hugs!!!

I can't wait to make a card! Sending you big hugs my friend!!!

Sankari :)

Savitri said...

Very cool!!! I'll play too!! Let think about it first :)

Unknown said...

Wow Jen! Great idea. I linked my card and I will get it in the mail tomorrow (mailman already came today). Thanks!

Allison Rankin said...

Hi Jen! I'm gonna help...I posted it this morning!

Anonymous said...

such a fantastic idea jen!! i'll definitely whip up some cards for you. but i guess i'll just drop them off at your house :)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I will definitely participate. Will post a link as soon as I finish my card and put it in the mail to you.

scrapperjulia said...

Hi Jen, I will try to do this. My father-in-law passed away a year ago with Alzheimers. What a great way to raise money for this cause!

Kerri Settle said...

I love this idea. My husband lost his father to Alzheimer's. My card will be on its way soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jen, I am so here for this one! I will get on it tomorrow (free night). My MIL has it and she is in the late stages as well. It is so hard to watch my hubby with her and see his heartbreak! Lots of love to you and your family from ours!

Anthonette said...

Aloha, Jen! I'll definitely particpate. I'm behind on my card making this week.

Libby Hickson said...

Best of luck Jennifer, I hope you get many, many cards and raise a ton of cash! My grandmother-in-law also suffered from Alzheimer's - such a horrible and sad disease.

Froggy said...

Can we send in a clear envie as the blank envelope with it??

I really hope this auction goes well! I lost my granmother to Alziemers... :(


heidi said...

My dear Grandpa who raised me just passed from Alzheimer's last week. I don't think most people understand how devastating the disease's not just a "memory thing". I hope this event goes REALLY well.

Cindy Vernon said...

I've linked and my card is in the mail!

Anonymous said...

How kind and wonderful of you to do this. My mom has Alzheimers and is waiting for a placement in a home. It's very sad to see your loved ones slowly slip away over so many years. My cards will be in the mail on Friday :)

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful cause, Jen. I'll be sending you a few cards.

Lisa said...

what a great idea. I'm very new at this challenge thing I really hope I linked it right. I look forward to seeing all the wonderful enteries and I hope you raise lots of money

MelissaS said...

what a way to celebrate your milestone! Thanks for giving us a chance to help :)

Raspberries and Rose Petals said...

What a wonderful way to help raise funds for Alzhiemer's!


Amy said...

Wow, you are very generous. My grandmother had alzheimers. I worry about my mother now. It's a very scary and sad disease.

Terri Trotter Earley said...

You are the sweetest thing ever! Thanks for taking the extra time to make sure I signed up correctly. I am new to all of this. I went to the post office today to send the card.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Allison said...

I've just dropped mine off in the mail today - may take a while to get there though considering it's coming from Canada. Hope you will get it in time!

scrappingnana said...

I just posted my card and will mail it tomorrow.
JoAnn B.

donna calamari said...

LIke so many others I have suffered the heartbreak of watching a parent suffer and slip away from disease. You are doing a very good thing. I hope you do well.

Mary said...

I just linked a card I made yesterday for you, and will ship it off after I add a few more to help with your efforts... I think this is the first time I have mailed anything to Hawaii (jealous!!), so I want to make it worth your while... ;) Thank YOU for your efforts!

Kelly Schelske said...

What a fantastic idea Jen. I am a new reader to your blog and love it, so the least I could do is send you a card to help out. I hope you get a ton of cards and raise lots of money!! I will mail it out (from Canada) on Monday!

Kelly S

gingerjoy said...

I will be sending you some cards tomorrow. This is very close to my heart, as my husband who is only 53 is now in a nursing home with Alzhiemer's. He was diagnosed at age 48 and as I look back, he had it in his early 40's. Thanks for doing this, may God bless your efforts above and beyond your wildest expectations.

Sarah said...

This is such a great cause! My Grandfather passed from having small strokes that affected him just like Alzheimer's does. Thank you so much for doing this! My card will be sent tomorrow!

Leslie Hanna said...

I am sending you two cards tomorrow. What a great idea, and I'm glad to help. Thanks, also, to the companies who donated the goodies, cuz I would have given the cards anyway. ;-)

Fonda @Southern Scraps said...

Great cause. I'm putting my card in the mail tomorrow.

Alyssa S said...

Fantastic challenge and idea for your blogaversary! Congrats, btw! :o)

Nancy L. said...

Very glad I was able to help in the cause!! You are so generous! Thanks for your motivation!

Lisa Petrella said...

Thank you for hosting this INCREDIBLE event! I hope it's a HUGE success!! My card is on its way!

Marsha said...

Oh, My ! What a pile of candy ! I have a real sensitivity toward Alzhiemers. Have not had any loved one diagnosed with it yet. But my father does have a form of dementia and it can be very difficult for my mom at times. It is sad to see him so confused and out of touch with what is going on around him.
Bless you for your efforts. I do hope it is a wonderful success.

Unknown said...

Best wishes for your charity auction. I'm glad I can help for a great cause. My cards will be sent right away!

hanksmom said...

Hey Jen! I posted my card and I'll pop it in the mail to you in a few days, hopefully with a few more. I just remembered that when you did this last year was the first time I visited your blog. I'm still working on getting over there for MCD '09 {spring}. Hugs, Les

NinaB said...

This cause is so dear to my heart as Alzheimer's seems to run in my family. My Grandma and her brother had it. I wish I could participate, but I'm a missionary, living in Croatia. I'm afraid the snail mail takes a long time to get there, but I'll be praying for this.

Dawn Frost said...

Thanks for the chance to win some candy. I'll be sending some cards later today. Thank you for raising money for a devastating disease.

Cindy said...

What a great event! I am a geriatric social worker and a Nursing Home Administrator. I will do my very best to get a card completed for this most important fund raising event!

Sherri said...

My grandmother had Alzhiemer so I think this is great what you are doing. I've made one card but plan to send in more. Hope the auction is an awesome success!

Gretchen R. said...

This is such a wonderful idea. I couldn't wait to give a card! Thanks for doing this as there are so many people out there who struggle with Alzhiemers.

There She Goes Clear Stamps said...

Hey Jen, just wanted to let you know that my cards will be going out to you today :)

Lynda Benden said...

Hi Jen!
My cards are going out to you today!!! Have a great day!

Kayla T. said...

my card will be in the mail soon. what a wonderful idea!

lisa808 said...

Jen, I just posted three birthday cards that I will be sending you. Here is the link:

Cheryl B. said...

Found out about your request for cards from another blog (sorry, I can't remember whose blog it was). I will definitely send some cards to you. My mom and some other family members have Alzheimer's.

tzippy said...

wonderful idea, and i'm proud to join your blog and idea

from Tzippy
my card is at my blog

Chandra Hough said...

Jen, what a great thing to do. I've posted my card on SCS, and will put it in the mail to you this weekend!

Anonymous said...

okay jen, i posted my cards, i'll get them to you soon.

Rebecca said...

Awesome idea!! I will have the card to you ASAP! Good Luck with the challenge!!

Cindy said...

I hope I did Mr. Linky correctly. What a wonderful reason to make a card. Thank you, Jen, for the dedication to the cause.

Chriss Blagrave said...

I hope you get many cards for this great cause. Thanks you for doing this.

Teresa said...

This is an AMAZING blog candy contest. I hope I can find the time this week to make a card for your project, but I will send one even if I don't make the deadline.

Thank you SOOO much for your efforts!

Jenny said...

This is a great idea you have!! I just uploaded a few cards on my blog and the one I'm going to send you is the bottom one (the purple cow). My card will go in the mail tomorrow!

Amy (BirdScrap) said...

Good luck with your auction, Jen! I enjoyed making this card for it. I'll mail it ASAP!

Caryl P said...

Both of my grandparents had Alzheimers and I'm glad I'm old enough to remember them before (at least a little). I'll send you the two cards I posted and work on a few more this weekend. What a great cause--thanks for doing this!

Amanda said...

I hope I did this right. Your story got me to try this whole blogging thing. So thank you for that and good luck.

Jeanne Forsyth said...

This was so fun and the card will be in the mail shortly! I love making things to help in a cause. Good luck with your auction.
here is my card

Colargolet said...

Thanks for giving me the chance to make a card that will serve such an important cause. I had a great time making it, although I'm a newbie, and it took me ages :)
here is my card

Julie said...

This is a cause near and dear to my heart. I am always viewing everyone else's wonderful work for ideas, including your great blog :>). I posted a card for the first time to take part in your challenge! Thank you for inspiring me!!!

Hearts That Love said...

Hi, I'm a newbie at participating and commenting on blogs. But this is such a good cause, I just had to make a card! The blog candy looks yummy too - thank you!

Cathy J R said...

This is a wonderful idea!!
Cathy J R

Unknown said...

What a good idea for creative ways to raise in support of a great cause.

I'll stay tuned, because I want to see hear of it's success.

Julie Temple said...

I have been trying all week to complete these cards!! FINALLY they are done, and on the way to you! This is a wonderful cause close to my heart!! Thank you so much!

Rubber HUgs,

Anonymous said...

I'll get my card in the mail on Monday!! Thanks so much for such an amazing blog candy and for raising money for such a wonderful cause too :) YOU ROCK!!!

Ravengirl said...

I have made my card and I will get it in the mail tomorrow! Thanks for running such a wonderful challenge with a real big prize (money for important research)!

Janelle Stollfus said...

Jen - What a great event you are doing here. My hope is for a thousand cards. I'll send more than the card I submitted but I just ran across your challenge yesterday.

Cassi said...

Thanks for extending the deadline, I just had to get this uploaded. Whew, I made the deadline! I'll get this in the mail tomorrow.

web design company said...

great post

Sara said...

Hi! I had so much fun during SOA and I was doing a google search and found this blog! I would love to participate but I do not see the Mr. Blinky anywhere? Is this challenge still open?

Sara Fink

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