From the files of the Awkward Harper Family Photos, circa 1986 (I was 10, my brother Jeremy was 7):

Thankful for You by Jen Barrette and Zoe Pearn
From one of my favorite adventures with my Dad, our first white water river rafting trip (I think this was 1994, but it might have been a year or 2 earlier. The photos weren't dated). After this guided trip, my Dad went out and bought a raft and all the equipment needed so we could go river rafting on our own (his theory was after so many trips, the equipment would pay for itself in the money we'd save by not paying the tour guides / rafting companies). He spent SO MUCH TIME researching rivers, water levels, planning trips, etc. We did take a few family rafting trips and he took a few "Guy Trips" with his friends - but I'm pretty sure that raft and equipment did NOT pay for itself in money saved by not paying guides / rafting companies. But I'd say it was still worth it in the memories we made! And I know my Dad had a BLAST on those trips (and planning them - he was a planner!).

Johnny Appleseed kit by Bella Gypsy Designs (Gotta Pixel)
Christmas, 2004 - our first Family Christmas with all of us on Maui - My Mom (Susan), my Dad (Eddie), me, my Brother (Jeremy). Joel was still back in Oklahoma finishing up his final year of wrestling (and school) at OU:

A Lot Like Christmas by Dani Mogstad (Sweet Shoppe)
And finally, a picture of my Dad and Dean playing together in May 2008. This was early in my Dad's illness when he was still sort of himself, but couldn't really be left alone for long periods of time. However, this was before we had started taking him to Adult Day Care (which turned out to be a lifesaver for my Mom). So one day a week during the week (on one of my days off) I would go pick up my Dad and bring him to my house for at least half a day and he'd just hang out. We'd have to make some kind of excuse so he didn't realize we were "babysitting" him - I'd usually just tell him I had some old photos I needed his help sorting and he'd sit for about an hour and look through the same box of old photos week after week, telling the same stories each week. He seemed to enjoy this though and it was an excuse to get him out of my Mom's hair and give her a break while still allowing my Dad some sense of dignity I think. Anyway, these photos are from one of those days:

Are We There Yet by Bella Gypsy Designs (Gotta Pixel)
That's it! I hope you all have a Happy Monday and a great start to your week!!
Beautiful layouts, This is going to be such a special album!
What beautiful pages Jen! I love your Make A Page Monday posts!
This is a great post!
white water rafting tips
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